Tractor Pulls for 2024 Will Be Held Saturday Aug 3rd at 10:30
Registration and Weigh-In Start At 8:30am
Contact Paul Feucht at 920.296.8321 for any questions.
Registration and Weigh-In Start At 8:30am
Contact Paul Feucht at 920.296.8321 for any questions.
Weight Classes-
3000#- '58 and older. Max 28 Factory HP. 14.9 Max tire size. 3MPH
3500#- '58 and older. Max 35 Factory HP. 14.9 Max tire size 3MPH
4200#- '58 - '39. Max 40 Factory HP. 14.9 Max tire size 3 MPH
4500#- '58 and older. Max 45 Factory HP. 15.5 Max tire size. 3MPH
5000#- '58 and older. Max 50 Factory HP. 15.5 Max tire size. 3MPH
6000#- '58 and older. Max 60 HP. 16.9 Max tire size. 4MPH
7000#- '58 and older. Max 70 HP. 18.4 Max tire size. 5MPH
4000# Super Antique '58 and older. No HP limit. 18.4 Max tire size. 6MPH
5500# Super Antique '58 and older. No HP limit. 18.4 Max tire size. 6MPH
Unlimited- not to exceed 12,500#. No entry fee, no payback. 5MPH
Weight Classes-
3000#- '58 and older. Max 28 Factory HP. 14.9 Max tire size. 3MPH
3500#- '58 and older. Max 35 Factory HP. 14.9 Max tire size 3MPH
4200#- '58 - '39. Max 40 Factory HP. 14.9 Max tire size 3 MPH
4500#- '58 and older. Max 45 Factory HP. 15.5 Max tire size. 3MPH
5000#- '58 and older. Max 50 Factory HP. 15.5 Max tire size. 3MPH
6000#- '58 and older. Max 60 HP. 16.9 Max tire size. 4MPH
7000#- '58 and older. Max 70 HP. 18.4 Max tire size. 5MPH
4000# Super Antique '58 and older. No HP limit. 18.4 Max tire size. 6MPH
5500# Super Antique '58 and older. No HP limit. 18.4 Max tire size. 6MPH
Unlimited- not to exceed 12,500#. No entry fee, no payback. 5MPH
RPMs all tractors factory stock- NO LOAD - Will be checked
Tractors may pull a max of 2 classes plus unlimited
Fenders are required
Tractors 1939 to 1958 including models in production at that time will be able to pull in classes 1958 and older
No tractors equipped with torque converter. Tractors with torque amplifiers either range. No shifting on the move
Drawbar height not to exceed 18 inches or to be closer than 18 inches from center of rear axle
No 4wheel drive or crawler type vehicles
Front weights no more than 24 inches from front tractor casting
Rear weights must not exceed more than 24 inches behind center of rear axle. Weights must be securely fastened. Must not interfere with hook-up.
If anything falls off tractor, it will be disqualified.
Engine speed must be controlled by governor only
Any tractor violating the boundary of the track will be measured at that point, provided they stop
Judge's decision will be final regarding pull and equipment
All tractors will be weighted at pull. Weigh-in start at 7:30am
No sharpened tires
Tractor must have working PTO except in working class
If driver is under 16 years of age, a parent or guarding MUST be present and sign entry form
PTOs need to be 540RPM
PTOs must be above the draw bar or hitch
Stock classes speed limit is 3mph
RPMs all tractors factory stock- NO LOAD - Will be checked
Tractors may pull a max of 2 classes plus unlimited
Fenders are required
Tractors 1939 to 1958 including models in production at that time will be able to pull in classes 1958 and older
No tractors equipped with torque converter. Tractors with torque amplifiers either range. No shifting on the move
Drawbar height not to exceed 18 inches or to be closer than 18 inches from center of rear axle
No 4wheel drive or crawler type vehicles
Front weights no more than 24 inches from front tractor casting
Rear weights must not exceed more than 24 inches behind center of rear axle. Weights must be securely fastened. Must not interfere with hook-up.
If anything falls off tractor, it will be disqualified.
Engine speed must be controlled by governor only
Any tractor violating the boundary of the track will be measured at that point, provided they stop
Judge's decision will be final regarding pull and equipment
All tractors will be weighted at pull. Weigh-in start at 7:30am
No sharpened tires
Tractor must have working PTO except in working class
If driver is under 16 years of age, a parent or guarding MUST be present and sign entry form
PTOs need to be 540RPM
PTOs must be above the draw bar or hitch
Stock classes speed limit is 3mph
$20 entrance fee
1st Place- $30
2nd Place- $25
3rd Place- $20
$20 entrance fee
1st Place- $30
2nd Place- $25
3rd Place- $20